Saturday, September 18, 2010

A small tool to generate a new wireless passphrase.

I was getting sick of my old wireless passphrase which took truly random to an extreme and made it nearly impossible to enter the WPA2 AES shared key correctly on a computer, let alone any of today's plethora of mobile devices. Who can successfully enter tons of quads like "A/eE uFDr 8#rw" on a phone or squeezebox without going insane?

So I broken down wrote my own silly tool to generate a random passphrase composed of words from a dictionary file. Nothing new, this has been done 10000 times before.

This one requires Python 3 and a /usr/share/dict/words file (apt-cache search /usr/dict/words for a bunch of those on Ubuntu or Debian).

Bored and want to see it?
You can download here.
License: Apache License, Version 2.0.

I really should redo it and put it up on appspot. Maybe later.

What would a blog post be without some silly samples using various entropy and maximum word length settings? Enjoy:
ocelot Walter Biko's soils tarry wader
Ann D Pele inane taper sons
Er v M Lu E ow Cm me as N q He
nearness's bogeymen lops disordered inclination Jeanne
I really do not recommend a maximum word length of two.